Friday, March 24, 2017


Bangladesh for the first time no mercy lose

Mathews said that all professional players that Bangladesh and the one that can not be forgiven, important not to win Test matches.
He was speaking at a ceremony in front of the Barcelona Institute for cricket tour of Sri Lanka starting.
"This is an essential event. First, the mentality of the Bangladesh series victory in England is expected to take. Young team. But a lot of those games have gone to England. All professional players.
If that is the best thing to do to bring the trophy to Sri Lanka. The prolonged recession if any six months. But we believe can win with this team.
Bangladesh could not win the Test series against one Sorry. I can not forgive. This is a chance to continue to move forward. Bangladeh we lose to the first event. But cricket is not finished. "
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sachittra, leading Marians Nalin before Nuwan Kulasekara is sensitive

Country music groups pay different direction taken "Marians" Who do not know ?. Marians have said that soon. A "Nalin". Nalin is not the only leader of a band. He was a skilled singer and presenter. More Nalin Perera and Marians that human suffering or whose future in our country than the politicians saw a group of beautiful people.
Sri Lanka Cricket is like our heart. Very tangible, something hits combined with the body and the mind.  verbally abused one match to look. Cricket Cricket is the people of our country and love
. lot of work to care for  small mission for the people of our country cricket stars. But the media campaign ad, he did not much like.
Marians team will work in CSR. It's "Hospitality upsurge of humanity." This remote areas to underprivileged schools in undertaking the necessary education. School supplies, musical instruments, and their other shortcomings family. There are two more participants for this help. The Sri Lanka cricket stars two popular, Senanayake and Nuwan Kulasekara property. The addition will help give some more.
They help us to one day a secret Lanka was reported GLB chose Kandegama Junior College. The school children were required covering this and other music equipment. The two teams split at the end of school, and Sachithra Kulasekara team competition held between cricket.
Ahalla quite tell you, look below video, is unaware of your eyes pinturaṭika When you've come. You decide that one sad ?, pleasure. Anyway, we know about the people side of the unknown ....
You came to the shelter after all the children who have a difficult life was feeling the weight. His eyes wet with tears when Kulasekara was the speech. Hunger is so  Kulasekara also got everyone's hardly a wet eyes.
Although this school of Music Instruments, Music teacher no later learned that Nalin. The solution came Nalin submitted tears from everyone's eyes. Happiness.
Nalin said that it is prepared to make the necessary arrangements to process music teacher, and after-school activities to facilitate grant additional time spent on music and knowledge, and that of the necessary financial resources to them.
What  value of this community initiative in this age these people ?. They are mere publicity or profit is not expected. But most do not know, but should know their Profile seven special stages in video and photos below.
See those unknown function and they do not forget to share.
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Thursday, March 23, 2017


The strong points of monetary policy. Interest rates rise

The second monetary policy review tomorrow, for the year 2017 (24), the Central Bank has announced that the published 7.30.

Financial sector sources that are expected to be tougher monetary policy review. The industry believes that Masters can expect increased interest rates.

The  Lee headed to the International Monetary Fund Mission organized by the period from 07 March to 21 February 2017 was that the end of visit to Sri Lanka to monitor carefully the Central Bank on inflation pressures, inflation or credit growth does not happen to adjust if monetary policy to raise the Central Bank of the IMF mission will be to encourage that.

So people could be expected this year and strong policy with the objective of financial control and credit growth as a mechanism to control inflation through reports by the Department of Statistics of the National Consumer Price Index published as high as 8.2 percent inflation in February 2017.

And yesterday (22) at the treasury bill auction themselves not interest rates increase recorded between the previous 91 bills interest to 9.47% from 9.57% and in 182 bills Interest 10.39% from 10.46% up to, 364 bills Interest 10.74% to 10.82% the increase was up.

Sources in the market said the situation is the policy interest rate by 50 basis points each, to increase the monetary policy review tomorrow through is likely to have.
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Doing business better than frying merrage - story told here is piumi hansamali traveling with another girl

 Hansamali times, various media are. piumi has been in the last days of the turmoil hotel Kiribathgoda created another story. The dialogue with the Natalie Hansamali.
What chose  Kiribathgoda hotel?
I was there that I have no connection.
You have a beautiful country boy enough?
Of course not. There are plenty of beautiful boys Lanka.
So what do you say to the young man who did that Saudi exile?
Jokes that I done it together. Those that do, not what to think big.a mother who wanted to deposit a little more, right?
I'm that good. My son is my life. I hope they do not have anything else embarrassed him. Do not
again, right?
Oh crazy. That false story. So I'm a little busy business work. I can not say right now about Marry you good?
And I have not felt anything yet. If that does not know what would.
What's to think about the son's future?
Son, take care of my mother. The mailing learn well. mother and my son, too. He's lucky, without living child.
For your boyfriend or best s best. He took me to realize my life closer to gaining a good guy expensive.
Everyone talked about your photo Recently leak was not it?
It was my only pictures leak. You have plenty of popular video guys even came out. Why do not all going to get myself primed.
Sad about your past? not. I'm not a kid cry to think about what went. I understand very well, my take is that everything that happens. I'm really lucky.
Because a lot of time to yourself and to the Gossip's goals?
I think it is the beginning of my popularity. After all the stone fruits of the fights, huh . I trust you do not celebrate calculated. I do not fall down.
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Sri Lanka Auto Loan Policy to India badly

The Business Standard news reports, has become India's leading vehicle manufacturers in difficulty due to a number of new policies have been introduced to the Sri Lankan market vehicles.

Maruti Suzuki, Renault, Nissan and Bajaj Auto Manufacturers Car sales fell due to the further reports that.
Although previously the ability to obtain financing from banks up to 70 percent of its value for the cars today it has been reduced to between 25 per cent to 50 per cent for three cars for cars. The situation is further stated here has a huge impact on the Indian car manufacturers
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Renault, Bajaj, Maruti Suzuki down everything - the latest status

India's leading vehicle manufacturers, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the sale of several economic policy is reported that due to increasing pressure.

The situation prevailing in India, the Business Standard said on the website due to the change in Sri Lanka and Nepal lending policy.

Renault, Bajaj, Maruti Suzuki and Nissan's sales in India have been rising to the company, Bajaj said the company produces three sales only dropped by about 25 percent.
Also bought 50% of the amount of credit on the value assessed in granting loans for cars, as compared to 25% for the three-year under the budget of Sri Lanka.

Also in Nepal have taken various measures to discourage car sellers.
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Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Saranga - Umali ready for divorce

That we first revealed Saranga Umali failed marriage, true. The immediate reason was the two of them through the media and attempts to cover up the story because it is a lie that the media propagated the other waste.

However, because of squirrel Saranga and Umali both separate matter that the kids know.

But I was flowing like a married couple, appropriately squirrel fell out there? The reason the same can not be separated because we were talking squirrel umāḷigēt umāḷiṭa say that dhanuka  close friends with  working together with industry to accept them as. You talk as irrelevant as a very loving couple and a popular audience, the couple's life severely threatened today  not.

We said that the basic reason for Umali Saranga Umali failed marriage to the new generation in love preserved in secret for nearly two years with the actor Dilshan intact.

Many industry opened a secret for nearly two years, people will not Saranga bars unconventional love relationship. Because Buffy believe that sources are not required to hold a secret. He attracted industry wide as the length of their unconventional love story with friends of classified information has publicly without viḷiyakin.

Saranga had taken overseas when that jumping  Home Umali sāraṁga secretly at their homes and their mother knows that Buffy has on the taste of the industry associates. Some friends of this unconventional enthusiasts advocate some friends that have been on a personal mentor, has just publicly reprimanded.

Umali Grell Lane speech by its story.
It is true that the intact Umali squirrel. Steve's closest friends, said the squirrel patriots symbol. Buffy close contact  the pet name. Umali ḍiṁkiya name had been given by the squirrel intact. the pictures taken with the squirrel she had with her Instagram account.

Friends say that she had an expression of love for the public intact. The pictures are also added to his account with his mentor, ḍiṁki. However, after learning many Saranga nabbed stride Umali said that both those loyal to the field trip that the pardon granted advice.

Saranga is so labored Umali forgive. And realize that the field was just as much to those Saranga several opportunities by Umali said she forgave the field say that the people who have been executed without further effort or a small mistake to correct his mistake.

Buffy can not complain. Umālit want to know. What's the relationship's not going to keep intact the forced eating. Friends of a friend of his in the field will justify action elesinya. According to those present on the field for the last time in public summary umālit our Christmas celebration. The Saranga and Umali joined seen intact in most confusing was that umālit same mess that their loved ones had said. According to reliable sources in Haiti Saranga Umali marriage gone after just a day.

It said that the Christmas celebrations which obviously stems motor home Umali day ruyē not come home. She ruya lights on the house that day  closest mentor said. Umali without excited Saranga and Umali family home was found the next day  Umali said they would.

Umali the night with his mentor, the late enough to go whether that morning filming sources. Since the Saranga umāliva refusal to accept a return to their home because Umali family her place parents her to keep hidden, Japan her to save her daughter effective dhanu with the rejection she āraṁga has been to take them home that now the Buffy was being crazy as Umali in a manner that his friends said.

Umali said his friends had been informed by Buffy Buffy are not short of excitement that he had to go before the country. However, with the incident and that he is worried Saranga Umali again with Umali said that those in the industry want to be under one roof.

The Saranga had no intention to join again with Umali is now a divorce case has been heard about the case of the close of April, sources said.

Saranga is silent about the case due to protect the sources said.
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viyagra crowding out really know what happens

 is really a story if it is not a separate slice it leads to  stimulation 1989, the British scientist who was Pfizer  get a cure for high blood pressure and angina  chemical substance is s that the vaccine because of heart disease lack of a cat instead happened was that one.
Pfizer's decision to test that, right  male sexual energy to keep long can make a vaccine out within two weeks, about 40,000 in 1998 when the medicine was prescribed
"The headline on the cover of Newsweek magazine had" hottest new drug in history almost everywhere in the world. "
Vitamin V  that gather together for a time after. The report uses a secure information, the CIA Taliban.l start the first hour of direct organ cancer. Phosphodiesterase 5 that will allow constituents to produce an enzyme which reduces blood flow and gently loosen a little while, and the smooth flow of blood to muscles.

Some visitors to the first 15 minutes of this process so quickly direct size and  process culture.
23 of the world's population are using  viyagra million.
Some men are also direct that exist even after four you time to eat this diet for a long .mē  flour for organ compress for about four hours because of heavy components of the vaccine, it can not belittle the small immediately have to amuse even surgery to restore largely going to destroy these cells exist directly seek medical advice  time.
In most cases, divorce cases and stop the way  helped because sometimes there's a divorce hits.

Even the federal bureaucracy, patented in 2011 for extend it until 2019.
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Wimal lemon fap fast starts

National Freedom Front MP Wimal Weerawansa stated that it has begun a hunger strike in his prison cell.
The Prison without bail after 73 days they spend in protest.
court his bail application was rejected yesterday.
The combined opposition of not giving bail to Wimal Weerawansa group of the Office of Justice letter the discussion will be.
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Victor Ratnayake honeymoon goes to Bangkok

New wife Hashini amendra has recently said that he would discuss issues  Victor Ratnayake second incident because they need foreign marriage.
The statement said about her ...
"Really the last several days was very tired. Victor's "Diamond Prabha 'show was consistently hard. Then our marriage and rest the controversial situation that occurred with the foreign visit as soon as we're smaller. "
"The hope is to go to Bangkok. Other countries can . However, I was able to stay calm with Victor go anywhere. "

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Dilshan needy families at the expense of a private home offers a beautiful set

Batsman Tillakaratne Dilshan has been taken by the former Sri Lankan cricket team to give a house a family of homeless children and needy in Matale.
This house is set up perfectly Dilshan his personal expense.
Father, mother and two daughters lost Dilshan was started by constructing the house last december
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Harin said the government will resign his post days

Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure Minister Fernando said that he has decided to resign from his post if we can not save one of the two before the end of this year.
He was addressing a meeting held in Badulla said that.
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Samayan wife prison - out of the things that modern technology

One day I did not go to see her husband in prison for three years after the case. But he speaks to every mobile phone, "testified that the investigation magistrate of those who died in the attack on the prison bus Kalutara etanamaḍala area Udugoda PATHIRAGE Aruna Udayanganie PATHIRAGE alias samayan wife Sunanda MRS PATHIRAGE Caldera (aged 31) who, she said.
Kalutara prison inmates from the prison was being taken to court Kaduwela underworld leader attack the bus attack and "samayan" Four of his supporters died two prison officers.
Colombo Chief Magistrate Ms. Bharathi Wijeratne further evidence before the MRS at the scene who said Pathirage Sunanda Caldera said. Aruna dead Udayanganie my legal husband. We have one child. Mirihana husband murder charges from the unit was arrested.
For nearly three years he did not see him pass by me, but after prison. But he speaks from prison daily mobile phone.
Before  spoke. He was very depressed. "I have been told that the work of errors.
News to know that her husband was shot. I took charge of the hospital came the body. I did not know who shot her husband.
The incident killed  kaḷana Nilanka Mallikarachchi the brother of those giving evidence, said: Ajith Sasanka mallikāracca.
I engage in business. Car mechanic latter. Maradana police he was arrested. I have to go home to see him in prison several times.
Was arrested on the phone to call home, but the younger brother shot put and assault
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Joined the LTTE Karuna Amman why- reveals many secrets

Small black ants holding his body off the tiny needles being tortured and killed some forgotten how blunt-awaited brutal character now. Some are liberation and material of his way to terrorize even the terrorists sent eminence on the way the two heads of state to the ground, the sky crimes most foul of humanity. Vulgar tirascīna society gather elū fire  sought liberation, but the name of the man was not a victim, he finally  Carmel. Born as the son of a small house overlooking the North Sea Velvetithurai of land officer  and Wallipuram  Velupillai Prabhakaran paid average living standard blood-soaked figure was a turning point in the history of Sri Lankan politics. The end of his unorthodox journey was wallowing Nadikadal Mullaitivu on 19 May 2009.

To become absolved of the village as a boy in a terrorist Velupillai Prabhakaran, his most frightening is the best person to review how the orderly conduct terrorist leader if breathing close to those that fall in the vicinity. Now, virtually all such to speculate  breath in their position to change a particular character you still live, I stayed in a civilized society, we have to talk. He was born in the name Muralitharan. Tigers in this guide, and he Colonel. LTTE members were adoring the fight, he Amman. Only saw the bad past, but it hints, touch, smells suffered Muralitharan alias Karuna will see topics about Prabhakaran with Karuna Amman From the land.
The origin of life.

I was born on November 07, 1966 year. Five sisters, one brother.  Mother . Kiran went to school together in Central. After the Advanced Batticaloa Central went together. Biology is the science that L. I had studied had a little bit of problems in our area on the JVP. Not too much right. We did not have a high school, a politics now. is always our elite in our area. Several hundred acres of land had increased. Need I learned a lot, even if we taught well. Today I say to my sisters, but four of the principal. One brother went to university. My life changed in one place.
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One of the new Nissan Leaf, 200 miles imputed by car

Nissan confirmed that the company was launched in September this year, the latest LEAF car models in the exhibition Motor Show 2017 Geneva Motor began last week.

It further said that the company managed to run 200 miles from more attribute once.

Tesla's Model 3 and GM's Chevy Bolt EV cars to competitive products evolved and it was said that the price is about US $ 35,000.
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Pakistani terrorist leader in attack on Sri Lankan cricket team attack

Sri Lankan cricket team captain suspected terrorists linked to an attack in Lahore, Pakistan reported killed in an attack on US forces.

In 2009 the case of Sri Lanka faced.

The terrorist leader was killed in Afghanistan is a district of Birmingham, and is called the name of his theological yaṣin pakṭika, province.

Reported that the victim had met three members of another terrorist attack, the closest yaṣinge,

Yaṣīn worldwide leader involved in several terrorist organizations and al Qaeda militants and junḍallā number of attacks launched by the support given person.

The Sri Lankan team in Lahore in 2009, one yaṣīn attacks in addition to the Marriott Hotel bombing and other terror attacks, several of the person he was looking for the Pakistani army.
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Monday, March 20, 2017


Wrestling champion Big Show at what happened

Among whom was the famous wrestling champion bigso .. his body due to obesity

But now he does not think of obesity as much as you.

Big Show to eating, exercise, weight has been reduced to 70 pounds.

Now, he's a very handsome man Six Pack.

He states that have lost their body weight for most healthy life.
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Chaminda Vaas speaks a media for the first time in the second marriage

Over the years, various speaking to something like that is engaged in the marriage again Chaminda Vaas. So the first time Chaminda Vaas have a media call. Are there opportunities for disappointment distress in life? Distresses surprising opportunities. But as a player, these things stand, there are unrepentant. Any player can come problems. It is right not fleeing from problems. The things faced life should win. Last time you like on the Internet occurred in mudslinging. Think of these things? I do not think about too many things. Chaminda Vaas is not much character to jump on. But playing time, and the game is finished and Chaminda Vaas are still. I was with people. My normal life without any problem going to retain the same way. What do you think about mudslinging. Do you have any regret? If the world can always regret. Friends can always. How they become friends, but ultimately regret. According to each of the events. At first I said like nothing is impervious. I'm looking forward drop me from a lot of guys playing time. I eventually  infinite. So Chaminda Vaas can not say that figure drop. I am a person with a sport I attacked very strong man. My mentality still high. I do not think nothing wrong with you. A look at what anyone living without trouble is my only hope. God's enemies were. But the main purpose is to live. The Internet Personal things in life that things like paḷakaḷahama Do not really regret it. I do not want to show the world shake with these things if somebody wants to put out the personal life. This helped the athlete's character assassination. I first told you things like repeat, I do not shake. The things that go beyond the surface issues. I'm in my daily routine.
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How Online money making thousands through freelancing

Today earning money through Internet systems methodology has been quite popular worldwide.

Further information for the discussion of foreign exchange earned through Online freelancing Lankan youth of Kushal Wickremesinghe year Derana Biz joined with 24 × 7.

He was further revealed the vital information on how the practice will work in this field that currently has over 20,000 in Sri Lanka has focused on this field.
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I do not make love without touch - is another story Samanali

As a popular singer Samanali starting to?

I do not need to be a singer. I liked acting. I never did more singing. That's so intuitive as sings. When trip anyway, eat and drink when we sing. But I do not have a big range of professional singer.

Crossing the judging panel of a reality show economic gain?

Acting is not something a lot of money from anyway. I will not betray the flowers play acting drama, too. The cream on TV, not about to sell the pills. The art of doing without betraying the inside I felt better at the economic profit.

This time if anyone would Samanali actress?

I do not care. Acting is my job. It is a by-product of popularity. If you say so people look at me, I want to use the popularity of 'humanity' to work for.

Should be a beautiful actress?

Good question. It is the men's heads. Actresses not only in general, all women want to be pet and Sukumar I'm too young an opinion. Men think that women also. The fantasy of women seen in intellectual conversations defiled.

So Samanali 'actress' is someone who does not maintain the fantasy?

I would maintain that any measure. But . I wanted to break it again, given the fantasy men. The male fantasy  down nervous. According to them, a beautiful girl intellectual conversations when men hit the mud. They criticize. I have experience in it.

"Change" was the politics. Why silent now?

Politics is not going to shop. Not voting is also coming to ask. We are in a doctrine. We won an ideology that level. Silent No. We always enabled.

Personal life was new. How dare your husband Indrachapa written?

He's open-minded person. Politics, female gender, art like everything inside ourselves we speak. I share many things together from one garden. I love to debate it. It's very wonderful.

Why did your husband deserve Indrachapa?

We're the same sentiment. That's why we both felt us. Even so, changes are not without ideas. We are getting it. This is a big decision and understanding.

This is a different love story?
It can be. People starting out dating moving too physical. So look out, homes, money, vehicles and things like matching sanctuary. They have forgotten the touch. I do not touch the piece that does not forget to add two, love you how to do.

Is it the old love?
No. Love to build something new inside. Always want to touch the hand. Head to clean out. In short, love to love inside. But many are away from each other over time. That first loses that lost close relationship. It's not a relationship where I feel that's why.

What happens before?
A life without hope after. I have a lot of work for the society. Forward in the future, so take care.
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Yoshitha's girlfriend is pregnant

Yoshitha Rajapakse's former girlfriend was talk throughout the Yasara lately.

Though she has a relationship with a famous rugby player Yoshitha the knot with Fazil Marija partnership.

Now that, that wounded Yasara pragnet find out.

Fazil has used it in his Instagram account with a photo program.

It states "My 6 Pack vs her 1 pack" performance.
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Sunday, March 19, 2017


Sri Lanka economy grew 4.4 percent in 2016

GDP and other macroeconomic indicators have been estimated by the Census and Statistics Department released the 2016 fourth quarter and year 2016.

Exceptionally adverse weather conditions throughout the year 2016. The flood situation in the second quarter of this year has led to the decline of the agricultural sector niyagayat the other quarters.

Estimates have been the economic growth rate of 4.4 per cent for the year 2016, as revealed in the Department of Census and Statistics. 5.3 per cent, so the growth rate was estimated for the fourth quarter 2016.

Prices for the year 2016 (2010) is estimated at 9,012,026 million Gross domestic product prices. The value was Rs 8,633,890 million in 2015.

Contribution given by the agricultural gross domestic product in 2016 to 7.5 per cent. Provided for a contribution of 57.0 percent of gross domestic product and 27.1 percent respectively of the manufacturing and service sectors, and has contributed 8.4 percent to the tax rate and net GDP on goods.

Industrial activities have recorded a significant growth of 6.7 percent in 2016. The same services 4.2 percent growth recorded in the report, but agriculture has a negative growth rate of 4.2 percent.

Developments in the agriculture sector

Agriculture Reports on negative growth of 4.2 percent in the year 2016. In the "crop" of recorded growth of -31.0 percent. Moreover, the "tea", "rubber", "excluding other crop cultivation" of -11.2 per cent, respectively, -10.7 percent and -10.5 million as the recession has been reported. In addition, "fruit cultivation" of -3.7 percent, "vegetable cultivation" of -2.1 percent, including Coconut "oily cultivation of fruit crops" have been reported in the recession slightly -0.6 percent. Favorable weather conditions during the year as a whole had not used for agriculture, but some of the most agricultural activities have positive growth rates were recorded for the year 2016. The "inland fishing" by 9.9 percent, "spice cultivation" by 6.4 percent, "Animal" has been a positive growth by 6.3 percent.

Developments in the industrial sector

Economic activities have come to acquire a significant growth of 6.7 percent in industrial sector in 2016. The economy is in a high significance "construction industry" has increased significantly by 14.9 percent. The "mining and quarrying industry" has recorded growth of 14.4 percent.

Industry sector output accounted for 1.7 per cent growth recorded in 2016. In the "basic structure of metal and metal products", "production of rubber and plastic goods", "machinery and equipment production" of 28.7 per cent, respectively, 17.9 percent and 14.1 percent of the high growth rate has been recorded. Among the main industrial "food, beverages and tobacco products" and "textile, garment, leather and related products," the industry and -2.5 percent respectively -0.2 per cent as the recession has been reported.

Moreover, "Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply" has reported satisfactory growth rate of 8.4 percent.

Services sector growth

Gross domestic product increased with the contribution (57.0 percent) in the Service Department of Economic Affairs has reported a growth rate of 4.2 percent in 2016. Has been given a higher contribution to the overall development of the service sector, "Finance and Financial Intermediary services", "Insurance", "telecommunications activities", "radio, TV broadcasting and the production", "education services" and "computer programs and software production and IT activities, "respectively, were 12.4 percent, 8.5 percent, 8.3 percent, 7.7 percent, 7.5 percent and 7.1 percent higher growth rate has been recorded.
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On birthday gift Rangana lost

Sri Lanka Test captain cracking 39th birthday today, has engaged.

On March 19, 1978 born actor kuruṇegala
Performance chance to trick the second Test match against Bangladesh was lost with tourism today.

While the 10 runs Bangladesh  circa went out to catch the ball Upul Tharanga, Rangana hand.

The imarūl Kaiz the ball went out Rangana been caught Asela Gunaratne.

But I never managed to get three wickets in match
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Sri Lankans in Canada visa free

A period of 90 days do not need a visa to stay in Canada site was reported in today.

However, the response to the Canadian High Commission in Sri Lanka, the report states that the media is misleading the public  report said.

The media report said that the visit of Sri Lankan businessmen and travelers who do not need a visa for 90 days in Canada.

However, the Canadian High Commission said the country does not have any policy changes to the Canadian visa for Sri Lankans.
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How Passover birthday Dinakshi stocks with the best of friends

 Dinakshi  priyasad actress of the new generation is now known to have been subjected to severe lateral learning Facebook.

She  Saranga love with reports related to conduct that movement. His birthday was celebrated on April Dinakshi.

The  singers, a group of actors, including participation. Dinakshi trusted group of participants have reported that the

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